Breaking News: IRCC announces new measures for International Students

Jan 22, 2024

Breaking News: IRCC announces new measures for International Students:

IRCC announces new measures for:

– International Students including cap for 2024.

– Another layer of provincial attestation is needed before submitting a study permit.

– Starting September 1, 2024, international students who begin a study program that is part of a curriculum licensing arrangement will no longer be eligible for PGWP.

– Spousal open work permits will only be available to spouses of international students in master’s and doctoral programs. The spouses of international students in other levels of study, including undergraduate and college programs, will no longer be eligible.
Stay tuned as we will publish future updates once they are available.

Below is the full announcement

Canada to stabilize growth and decrease number of new international student permits issued to approximately 360,000 for 2024 –

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